Iron Kingdoms Wiki

The Mercarian League originally founded in the Cygnaran city of Mercir as a confederation of traders and noble interests, the League has become, arguably the most powerful mercantile interest across western Immoren. The league wields vast power over the financial markets of the kingdoms. While most prevalent in Cygnar, it has significant holdings in Ord and even influence in Khador through shadow ownerships or secret partnerships. Most of the league’s wealth is related to shipping, and in the centuries since it was founded it has accumulated a formidable and well-armed navy to protect its merchant vessels.[1]

The league maintains a network of influential contacts within many major cities and has established a virtual monopoly over several of Cygnar’s major ocean-based trade routes. It has also taken part in trading in shares to acquire investment capital for extended voyages and is one of the few groups in western Immoren that has been willing to invest in exploration beyond the immediate shores. The intelligence-gathering arm of the league is known as the Eye of Mercir, and while primarily involved in commercial espionage, the league has no fear of dabbling in politics.[1]

One of the greatest recent gains of the Mercarian League happened in 593 AR when it won a power struggle over the control of an Ordic company called the Berck Imports House. Once owned by the Mateu Merchant House, this company was the pioneer that established successful trade with the southern continent of Zu, bringing back a wealth of exotic imports, including spices, fabrics, ivory, and other luxury goods. The struggles around control of this trade route have resulted in allegations of kidnappings, murders, and worse. The two mercantile groups remain bitter and dangerous rivals, each going to almost any lengths to sabotage the efforts of the other. Meanwhile, the Mercarian League continues to invest in additional expeditions abroad, having been chartered by the Cygnaran crown to find other untapped resources and potential trade routes. The first Immorese settlements on Zu have sprang up the last few years, drawing a number of adventurous individuals to risk their lives traveling abroad to start a new life.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Iron Kingdoms RPG Core Rulebook